All events have been suspended until further notice out of the safety of all. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Youth Ministry Tentative Dates For April
14th—HS Youth Group—Rose Center, 6:00 pm
15th—MS Youth Group—St. Bernard, 6:00 pm
17th—Women’s Night—Rose Center, 6:00 pm
17th—Men’s Night—St. Bernard, 6:00 pm
18th—2nd Year Confirmation Class Retreat, St. Bernard, All Day
21st—HS Youth Group—Rose Center, 6:00 pm
28th—HS Youth Group—Rose Center, 6:00 pm
29th—Middle School Youth Group – St. Bernard, 6:00 pm
Subscribe to our weekly email list or social media accounts for the most accurate information. All social media accounts are under 4ChurchesYM. Chad’s email is [email protected].