January 14: NWEA testing all week, Elementary Report Cards go home, Girls Middle School Basketball Team Photos, 3pm, JV and Varsity Girls Basketball @ Lawrence HS, 5:30 & 7pm
January 15: 8th Grade to Whitcomb, JV and Varsity Boys Basketball @ Lawrence HS, 5:30 & 7pm
January 16: MS/HS Mass @ 8am, Kindergarten to Sarett Nature Center, Noon-2pm, Girls Middle School Basketball vs Grace Lutheran, 5:30, 6:30pm
January 17: Elementary Mass @ 9:15am, Girls ES4 vs Grace Lutheran, 4:15pm, Girls Middle School Basketball vs River Valley, 5:30, 6:30pm, Girls Varsity Cheerleading. BCS Jamboree @ Parchment HS, 6pm
January 18: Varsity Girls Basketball vs Covert HS, 6pm. Varsity Boys Basketball vs Covert HS, 7:30pm
January 19: Girls Varsity Cheerleading. Wildcat Cheer Invitational @ Mattawan HS, 9am, 6th Grade Girls Basketball vs River Valley MS, at Brandywine HS, 11 and 12pm
January 20: JV and Varsity Boys Basketball Team Mass @ St. Bernard, 11am.
Upcoming Dates:
January 21: NO SCHOOL
January 27-Febuary 3: Catholic School Week
Super Books are available now. The cost is $40 each and LMC profits $8 per book. This year there is no supplements, the extra coupons are incorporated in the Super Book. Expiration date on the coupons is December, 2019. The books are available in the elementary office or the business office at the MS/HS building.
To keep up to date, check our website www.lmclakers.org
Thank you for supporting Lake Michigan Catholic Schools!