Will be hosting a fundraising flea market/rummage sale on Friday Nov. 9th 7:00 am-3:00 pm & Saturday Nov. 10th 8:00 am—3:00 pm in the school gym. If you are a crafter or artist of some sort and would like to rent a table for the sale, an 8’ table is $25. Call the Watervliet Parish office 269-463-5470 to reserve a space. We are also taking donations for the sale; gently used clothing, housewares, kitchen, bathroom, garage, yard items etc. Please nothing broken, stained, torn and no computer equipment or old TVs. Donations can be dropped off at the parish office at 157 Lucinda Lane, Watervliet, Monday thru Fri 10:00 am—3:00 pm. If those hours do not work, call the office to arrange for another time. Hope to see you there!